Few Question

Flanker B support

Few Question

Postby Maury2010 » Wed Dec 08, 2010 8:55 pm

I had some question about few gauges, not found in the manual.
The flap/gear indicator, other that flap gear and speedbrake, also sometimes, show a different indication.This happen automatic, when the speed decrease, what is this indication?
There's a gauge on the panel with mouse label: Intake Ramp position.What is this?
Finally, the Apu and the bleed air selector, are working, or only cosmetic.
Thank for any help and scuse for my bad english

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Joined: Wed Dec 08, 2010 3:45 pm

Re: Few Question

Postby markharper » Sat Dec 11, 2010 9:10 am

Hi I believe Frank is working on an extended manual when he gets back off his break.
The gear indicator also has a display for the leading edge slats but because these are custom variables the lights to indicate they are deployed only occurs when the speed range is in target. The gear lights also have a "damaged mode" if the gear fails.
Ramp intake position again is a custom variable and shows the position of the intake ramp baffle and not the position on the bottom bypass vents. Again these are not settable as there is no variable for them in the sim to affect engine performance but are animated under certain conditions.
I hope this helps and an expanded manual will be available as soon as we can.
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